Saturday, March 7, 2009

Site Searching

What a beautiful day we have had. The sun was shining so brightly. The temperature was about 75 and I nice breeze was blowing. I was cheerful as soon as I woke this morning. I immidiately wanted to thank God for this wonderful day. I read a few chapters in the Bible, about Esther having Hamam hanged. I need to learn more about that, I didn't read enough.

Then I went to B/net to see how things were going there. I am really trying to find a support group for writers. I was invited to join the Artist's Way Circle. They seem ok, but everyone in that group is reading a book called The Artist Way, and I do not have the book to join in the treads. I think I just need to stick to my HtTS threads. I have met really nice people there and they are very helpful and honest about my work. Most importantly we are all taking the same course so we understand what each other is going through. So far that has given me more inititive that any other groups. I went and searched and found I am just fine right where I am.

I am ready for lesson 5. I am excited about starting it. I have already read some. I need to get some organization developement going on in my life. I have always been a whirlwind, but I do need to make myself an area to work in. I am working at my kitchen table and I have nothing organized. My Bible study, My finances and just everything is on this table. So that is my next project before I go back to lesson 5. I wish I had a desk with drawers and shelves. Maybe one day. So now I need to figure out where to put eveything. That's gonna be a blast.

Well until next time, keep writing, keep that muse playing and listen. Pray for me.

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